Goatlandia Kitchen is a 100% plant-based kitchen located in downtown Sebastopol. We’re here to inspire, educate, and share delicious food—inviting you to explore new ways of thinking about our food and food systems.

We choose, prepare, and serve every dish with care, guided by our core values of compassion, respect, and reciprocity. We believe that activism rooted in joy and inclusivity not only brings people together but also sparks transformative change in individuals and communities alike.

Eating plant-based nourishes our bodies, protects animals, and serves as one of the most powerful actions we can take to combat climate change. We’re committed to making nutritious food and the knowledge to prepare it accessible to all, believing that what we eat should not be a privilege but a right. Through sharing delicious, plant-based meals and cooking resources, we aim to empower our community to make positive and informed food choices—because every bite matters.

Our Roots in Goatlandia Sanctuary

Sonoma County Farm Sanctuary + Goatlandia

Goatlandia Kitchen is an extension of Goatlandia Sanctuary, a grassroots organization that rescues farm animals in desperate need, offering them a loving home or facilitating adoption. At Goatlandia, people can meet these animals firsthand, learn about the profound impact of animal agriculture on our planet, and discover the benefits of plant-based eating. We pride ourselves on working hard, having fun, and staying humble—wearing many hats to get the job done and keep our mission moving forward.

By sharing resources, experiences, and fresh, plant-based foods, both Goatlandia Kitchen and Goatlandia Sanctuary aim to inspire love and compassion for all beings, nurture a healthier environment, and create a more sustainable future for everyone.

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Meet Our Founder: Deborah Blum

Ten years ago Deborah Blum experienced a profound shift after witnessing footage of a slaughterhouse. She became a vegan overnight and launched Goatlandia, a farm animal sanctuary. Over the last eight years Deborah has shared her passion and talent for plant based food with thousands of guests as a way to both raise funding for their rescue work and to advocate for a healthier lifestyle.